The immune support kit

Immune•Knowledge•E, the immuno-support kit. This wellness kit consists of homemade, hand-prepared recipes and herbal mixes recommended by naturopaths for overall immune support and healing.

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Health & wellness

Health and Wellness is what you put into your gut, how and how often you move your body, how you tend to your mental state of mind, and how you protect yourself from overall toxin exposure.

Our Promise

We promise to provide you with the wisdom and products that will promote wellness and healing while demonstrating practical ways to apply them into your daily lifestyle.

  • F.J.

    "I have been using the garlic syrup from Sophology for a while now and I have to say that it has truly exceeded my expectations. Not only is it made with all natural, fresh ingredients, but it has also provided me with much needed relief for my stomach issues. In addition to this, I have noticed a significant improvement in my weight loss efforts since incorporating the syrup into my daily routine. I am so impressed with the effectiveness of this product and I will definitely be placing more orders in the future.Thank you Sophology and it's team for creating such a top-quality product that has truly made a difference in my life."

    Staten Island, NY 
  • R.S.

    "I am so grateful for the positive impact that your box has had on my son and me. We've been able to combat allergies and colds thanks to your products. My son also loves his "surprise tea" every night. I wasn't sure if he would be willing to try new flavors, but by calling it surprise tea he was excited to try it. Now he even asks for it and reminds me if I forget to give him his daily dose of garlic honey. Alhamdulillah, I believe our children are in good hands and have a healthy future ahead of them, inshallah. Thank you so much."

    Brooklyn, NY 
  • F.F.

    "I wanted to express my gratitude for your honey and garlic mixture. It has truly been a lifesaver for me. Since returning to work, I've been experiencing a persistent sore throat. However, after incorporating your mixture into my daily routine, taking it in the morning and following up with a spoonful of the black seed honey after work, I've noticed a significant improvement. The tea has also been very soothing. Alhamdulilah, I'm so thankful for this product. Thank you again."

    Brooklyn, NY